Friday, April 30, 2010

Introducing Peru Mission

Here is a succinct summary of the work and vision of the mission from our team's website:

Peru Mission is working to bring the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the hurting and the lost in Peru. The vision of Peru Mission is to co-labor with the Holy Spirit, building faithful, vibrant, self-sustaining, and multiplying parish churches in northern Peru. We minister among Reformed Churches in Peru in order to establish new parish-communities who will faithfully serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Peru Mission is a team of missionaries laboring to plant and strengthen churches in the prominent cities of northern Peru. The center of operations is in the city of Trujillo, a bustling, strategic, coastal city 350 miles north of Lima.

From the earliest days, the mission has successfully wed the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ with works of mercy, seeking to address both the spiritual and physical needs of the people of Peru. Through pastoral ministry, relief work, leadership training, university ministry, parish day-schools, and economic development, the Lord is building strong, vibrant parish churches that are not only becoming self-sustaining and self-propagating, but also actively involved in bringing God's justice, mercy, and peace to the world around them.

If you would like to see more about the work of the mission, visit our website:

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, it is so great that you started this blog. It will be a blessing to us to follow the Davs!
