Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Birthday update

Well, it's my (Scott's) birthday today. 37 years of God's mercy, love and grace extended to me. As something of a birthday gift from the Giver of "every good and perfect gift", we added two new churches to our support list last week.

It has been a real pleasure to have visited a number of churches this summer. It's an encouragement to us to meet and worship with God's people gathered in various congregations around the Southeast. And it's a privilege to share with the brethren some of what God the Holy Spirit is doing in far away Peru, and so encourage them in how Christ's kingdom is expanding in distant lands.

Please continue to pray with us that we would have new opportunities to encourage and be encouraged by partnership churches and individuals.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Support: online giving made easy

Please consider becoming one of our individual supporters.

Gifts can be given in the traditional way of writing a check and dropping it in the mail. Supporting our work can also be easily done online. Both one-time and regular contributions of support can be made on the Christian Missionary Society website at the link below.

Thank you for your generous support and partnership in the Gospel of Christ!